Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Salmon in Pastry Crust

Had a pie crust leftover from my Blueberry Galette, can only eat so many blueberries. I was looking for a new salmon recipe and came across this and adapted it totally for dinner last night. I did not use the asparagus as shown, found pix after I made.


Round refrigerated pie crust, purchased rolled up.
8 oz. Salmon Fillet
2 T unsalted butter
Pesto Sauce
1 egg, beaten
Butcher Salt
Preheat oven to 425.
Lay out the crust on a non-stick pan. Spread the crust with the softened butter.Place the salmon towards the front of the crust. Pour pesto sauce, to taste, over the salmon and fold the crust over the top of the fish. Carefully cut off the excess. Crimp the edges to seal.
Cut the remaining dough in to decorative shapes, I cut out little fish, and place on the top of the crust.
Brush all with the egg.
Sprinkle top with the butcher salt.
Bake in 400 degree oven until crust is browned.
Bon Appetit!

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